Support Our Cause
Join us in making a difference! Building Trust International Founder, David Cole is dedicated to raising funds for a new school on the Thai Burma border. He will be running the Edinburgh Marathon in May to raise much needed funds for this project.
Every contribution helps provide education to 300 children. Together, we can create a brighter future. Your support matters!

support our work helping those in need
So every month, children in Building Trust International schools, classrooms and playgrounds can have moments like these together..

Make a one off donation
help thousands of communities
So every day, families in Building Trust International housing and shelter can have special moments to share each day..

support our work helping animals in need
So every month, animals in Building Trust International conservation projects can live in well designed sanctuaries..

Our Impact
Over the last 10 years we have helped thousands of children, families, communities and conservation projects around the World.
We are Building Trust International
Together we help to solve global problems with good design, be part of the solution + DONATE today. Help build a sustainable future for all by making our buildings and cities support us and the natural world.
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